Dance Video Shooting at Sunset

 Flick spent this weekend shooting a dance film / video with Rob Kitsos, for his ongoing project A Moving.

Sunset Community Centre has some beautiful lines and spaces… we also got into the Sunset Nursery next door.

See the gallery at the original posting..

“The title of this new dance is taken from a discussion in 1982 between Monroe Beardsley, Sally Banes, and Noel Carroll about the nature of what constitutes dance movement. This debate, which continues today (and was challenged in the post-modern dance movement in the 1960s) hinges on the difference and the context between the way we move in everyday life and the added “vigor, fluency, expansiveness or stateliness” found in ‘dance’ movement.”

The dancers are Kitsos, Katie DeVries and Kim Stevenson.


Signal Out: Remote Artist Talk from Newfoundland!

So without much more than a crashed Macbook to slow us down, Something Collective’s first presentation of “Signal Out” went off great.  Liz Solo and the Black Bag Media Collective presented Flick Harrison‘s films in St John’s, Newfoundland, while we showed Liz’s music-video and machinima work here at our studio at Moberly Cultural Centre.

After the screenings, we did live Skype chats so the audience could Q & A.  I spoke a lot about Final Cut Pro vs Adobe software and the future of independent video editing. Liz, for her part, talked about Second Life and the combination of joy and horror she feels in that phantasmagoric shopping mall.

Liz got to bed VERY late – the time difference is 4.5 hours – and a good time was had by all, at both ends of this giant country.

Map Hatter’s Visioning Party!

Tonight, Something Collective led the Sunset Community Centre Board of Directors in a fun creative exercise to help them get started on their visioning process.  The game, which we call “The Map Hatter’s Visioning Party,” got them thinking about the neighbourhood and its future.

The exercise also launches our Community Mapping project in the Sunset area.  More news will follow, but we plan to recruit in the neighbourhood for a fun creative project with dance, video, music, puppets and more, with stuff targeting every age group.

See the gallery after the jump…

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Downtown Eastside Community Art News – Dec 2011

From Mary Bennett and the Community Arts Council of Vancouver:

December is here and the DTES is a hive of activity and creativity–even more so than usual.

You may be involved with one or more of the events here – and maybe you’ll attend some of the others to support friends and neighbours.

We are grateful to once again be one of the beneficiaries of the Bah! Humbug! benefit coming soon. Watch the Woodward’s Atrium video monitor for some preview shots and images about the organizations involved.

Read the rest here.

The Future of Community Arts @ Woodwards

Something Collective took part in the CACV conference on Nov 26 in the Woodwards atrium. Tons of artistic folks set up interactive booths where the public could get creative, have fun and learn about community arts programs.

It was raining like crazy, and there was a Grey Cup Traffic Jam Parade, but the event was a lot of fun.  Our group created an exquisite corpse scroll – each visitor painted a bit and then rolled the paper along so the next viewer could only see half, leading them to paint something else in a an endless disparate narrative…

Probably the biggest booth was for Deer Crossing The Art Farm


Come to our Open Studio on Nov 20 at Moberly!

(The open studio will also be accessible on the avatar chat network Blue Mars Lite in the room called Something Collective. Download and prepare yourself ahead of time! Thanks to Jeremy Turner for turning me on to it…)

You’re invited to Something Collective’s Nov. 20th Open Studio, from 4-7 pm, at Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre.

Something Collective Open Studio
Nov. 20th, 4-7 pm
Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
7646 Prince Albert St.

As friends, neighbors and colleagues of Something Collective, we are inviting you to the celebration of our new Incubator Residency at Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre.  Our like-minded group of activists and artists includes Maggie Winston (puppetry, theatre), Juliana Bedoya (sculpture, performance installation), Laura Barron (flutist, yogi, writer), Flick Harrison (media arts), and Natalie Gan (dance).  We are excited to serve the Sunset community over these next three years, by bringing our versatile expertise to a vibrant array of community-engaged art projects.  In order to maintain an active presence in the community, we are hosting three annual open studios, at our new collective space, on 7646 Prince Albert St. (one east of Fraser, at 59th).  The first of these takes place on Sunday, November 20th, from 4-7 pm.  There will be refreshments for all, as each of us shares work from our individual art practices.  We also look forward to discussing some of our plans for future community art projects, and we invite you to share ideas about this community’s passions and interests so that we can better meet the needs of the Sunset neighborhood.

We hope to see you there!
Maggie, Juliana, Laura, Flick, & Natalie

The Incubator: Something Collective

The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

and the

Sunset Community Centre Association

are pleased to announce the selection of artists for

The Incubator – a three year studio residency

at Moberly Arts & Cultural Centre.

“Something Collective”

is a group of five exciting artists who will activate the studio space in ways that will ripple into the Sunset neighbourhood.

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